There’s Gold In Them There Piles 

There’s Gold In Them There Piles 

When it comes to making time to get organized, let’s face it, it can be hard to get motivated. As much as we crave order, there always seem to be much more valuable uses of our time. Digging through piles, closets and shelves filled with old stuff you haven’t looked at (or used) in years takes time, energy and focus.

Show Yourself some Love

Show Yourself some Love

Many moons ago, I loved to cook.  It was fun to experiment in the kitchen—to have a vision for something exotic (baklava) or even ordinary, like minestrone, and make it happen. But somewhere along the way, after having a child, and launching my business, cooking and all the prep involved with it became an exhausting chore.

Organizing: The Oil of the Machine in Life

Organizing: The Oil of the Machine in Life

Being all about efficiency--wouldn't it be nice to know that just ONE resolution can help you achieve all of your goals for the year? Below we'll explore the 6 most common resolutions and the science behind how getting organized can help you improve on each one!

Planning for a Balanced Life in 2017

Planning for a Balanced Life in 2017

My philosophy about time management is that every system must be designed from the inside out—based on the unique way you think, your natural habits and goals.  

The W.A.D.E. Formula for Managing Tasks

The W.A.D.E. Formula for Managing Tasks

When we do studies of how people spend their time, we find, on average… a backlog of 32.4 hours of tasks. That means, on any given day, people feel like they’re drowning in work, like they’re never done, like they can’t ever relax. 

Why Paper Planning Is Making a Comeback

Why Paper Planning Is Making a Comeback

As a productivity professional, clients and audiences often ask if I can recommend a great To-Do app. I’ve looked. I’ve tested. 

5 Secrets of an "Intelligent" To-Do List

5 Secrets of an "Intelligent" To-Do List

It’s essential to choose a to-do list format that works the way your brain works. It needs to allow you to organize your tasks in a way that makes it easier to get things done.  

Streamline your workload with the 4 D’s

Streamline your workload with the 4 D’s

There will always be more work to do than time to do it. The goal is to make sure you are doing the most important tasks, so you can leave every day with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.