
The Power of Rest: Increase Your Productivity and Reduce Burnout 

The Power of Rest: Increase Your Productivity and Reduce Burnout 

I think I speak for most of us when I say it has been an exhausting past few years. All of us have experienced so much upheaval and uncertainty in both our personal and professional lives that many of us are suffering from burnout. Medical professionals define burnout as a response to prolonged stress that leaves you feeling emotionally and physically drained and exhausted. If you find yourself constantly fatigued, emotionally numb, and unable to keep up with life’s incessant demands, you may be suffering from burnout.

Help Fight Employee and Executive Burnout with Self-Care

Burnout is everywhere these days. Executive burnout. Employee burnout. Almost two years into the pandemic and burnout is hitting record levels, according to recent research from McKinsey and Lean In.

How Hobbies Kick Burnout and Fuel Creativity

How Hobbies Kick Burnout and Fuel Creativity

I’ve been there, and I know how common it is among executives to thrive on business achievements; however, after a while, this catches up to them. Work fills up the majority of their life, and their bodies begin begging them for a bit of reprieve. So, how can we kick burnout, fuel creativity, and return to the role of a high-functioning, energized executive?

When to Step Away from Work and Focus on Self-Care

When to Step Away from Work and Focus on Self-Care

For many people, breaking away from the gravitational pull of work is extremely difficult. Our drive to get things done, feel a sense of accomplishment, and succeed often keeps us working well past the point of diminishing returns. We find ourselves saying, “Let me just squeeze in one more thing from my to-do list and THEN I’ll go home for the day,” or “Once we get past these huge projects, THEN I’ll take a vacation.”