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Facing Conflicting Priorities? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions...

Facing Conflicting Priorities? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions...

You’re staring down the barrel of a seemingly endless to-do list. You know it’s time to get started, but where? Do you start with the smallest task or the largest task? The task you like most or the one you like least? The important one for yourself, or the urgent one for someone else? When it comes to prioritizing our to-dos, most of us tend to approach the situation with some degree of subjectivity. But this line of thinking often leaves us totally paralyzed — hovering over our to-do lists for who knows how long, trying to decide where to get started. The key, therefore, is to become as objective as possible when choosing which tasks to prioritize. That’s where the 3 Qs (The Three Questions) come in…