To-Do List

A Productivity Expert’s Four Secrets For Effective To-Do Lists 

A Productivity Expert’s Four Secrets For Effective To-Do Lists 

You need to go beyond simply jotting down random action items. Let’s explore different to-do list options as well as four secrets from productivity experts on making the most effective to-do list possible.

Facing Conflicting Priorities? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions...

Facing Conflicting Priorities? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions...

You’re staring down the barrel of a seemingly endless to-do list. You know it’s time to get started, but where? Do you start with the smallest task or the largest task? The task you like most or the one you like least? The important one for yourself, or the urgent one for someone else? When it comes to prioritizing our to-dos, most of us tend to approach the situation with some degree of subjectivity. But this line of thinking often leaves us totally paralyzed — hovering over our to-do lists for who knows how long, trying to decide where to get started. The key, therefore, is to become as objective as possible when choosing which tasks to prioritize. That’s where the 3 Qs (The Three Questions) come in…

How To Keep Track of Your To-Dos

How To Keep Track of Your To-Dos

Picture this. You are lying in bed, desperate for a good night’s rest; but each time you approach the precipice of sleep, yet another intrusive thought jolts you awake: Don’t forget to refill your prescription before Friday. Remember to email Kathy back first thing in the morning; Make sure to call the bank about that $12 maintenance fee. You toss and turn, trying to remember not to forget these to-dos, all the while losing out on the precious sleep needed to execute these tasks with efficiency. This sleepless night could have been prevented with this one easy habit.

Spring Clean Your To-Do List

Spring Clean Your To-Do List

You know that feeling when tasks have been sitting on your to-do list so long, that you deflate just thinking about them? One of the worst effects of procrastination is the energy drain; we spend too much time beating ourselves up for not accomplishing what we need to.   

Planning for a Balanced Life in 2017

Planning for a Balanced Life in 2017

My philosophy about time management is that every system must be designed from the inside out—based on the unique way you think, your natural habits and goals.  

The W.A.D.E. Formula for Managing Tasks

The W.A.D.E. Formula for Managing Tasks

When we do studies of how people spend their time, we find, on average… a backlog of 32.4 hours of tasks. That means, on any given day, people feel like they’re drowning in work, like they’re never done, like they can’t ever relax. 

Why Paper Planning Is Making a Comeback

Why Paper Planning Is Making a Comeback

As a productivity professional, clients and audiences often ask if I can recommend a great To-Do app. I’ve looked. I’ve tested. 

5 Secrets of an "Intelligent" To-Do List

5 Secrets of an "Intelligent" To-Do List

It’s essential to choose a to-do list format that works the way your brain works. It needs to allow you to organize your tasks in a way that makes it easier to get things done.