
The (Stylish) History of Organizing

The (Stylish) History of Organizing

As an organizer, I have long been fascinated by museums: the way they’re curated, how the exhibits are arranged, and why they’ve chosen to acquire and display the pieces in their possession. So it may come as no surprise that one of the highlights from my recent trip to St. Petersburg — aside from seeing the beauty of the city itself, a long time dream of mine — was visiting The State Hermitage Museum and discovering the beautiful history of organizing.

What “Presence” Feels Like

What “Presence” Feels Like

A friend once said that what she loves about travel, is that every time you go on a trip, you are changed forever.  She is so right. We see and experience things when we go to places we’ve never been that simply cannot happen by armchair travel through a Google search.  This summer, I had an extraordinary opportunity to go to Africa--and it was one of those trips that changed me in ways I am still synthesizing.

To Achieve Your Goals — Focus on Others

To Achieve Your Goals — Focus on Others

Over the holidays, I went to Puerto Rico to visit family for their annual Christmas Party. In the wake of Hurricane Maria, I didn’t know what to expect and arrived prepared for anything — from bringing fun, good energy to help my relatives take a break from the stress, to rolling up my sleeves and helping with the recovery.

Recharging on the Weekends: Think PEP

Recharging on the Weekends: Think PEP

Several years ago Life Magazine conducted the Great American Weekend Study, and discovered that 47% of people wait until Thursday night or later to plan their weekends. I don’t even need to tell you what happens when we wait too long to plan — the weekend slips through our fingers and before we know it, it’s Sunday night, and we didn’t do anything fun or refreshing.