
Plan Tomorrow + 2: A Simple Time Management Technique to Keep You On Track

Plan Tomorrow + 2: A Simple Time Management Technique to Keep You On Track

While having a bustling schedule may be a necessary part of your role, it can also leave you in a state of stress. Everyone has had that moment when they struggle to pivot and make schedule arrangements when something inevitably changes for the week. Unfortunately, these sudden changes can leave you in a constant state of anxiety that can impact your work and keep you from focusing during your downtime.

Become a Time Management Expert and Stick to Your Daily Plan with Tomorrow + 2

Even productivity experts tend to get bogged down in the planning phases of our workdays. We might have a routine – maybe it is a morning workout followed by breakfast followed by reviewing what our day looks like – but after that initial daily review, things tend to get messy.

The #1 Time Management Question to Ask Yourself

The #1 Time Management Question to Ask Yourself

Open up your current to-do list and take a look at it. How many of your tasks have a time estimate next to them? If you are like the majority of people, probably none. When writing out to-do lists, most of us only ask ourselves one question — what do I need to do? — and not how long will I need to do it? Yet, the difference between good and bad time managers pivots on the asking of this critical question…

3 Obstacles to Embracing a Healthy Work-Life Balance

3 Obstacles to Embracing a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance — we all crave it, yet it seems so incredibly difficult to achieve. It’s easy for us to say “it’s impossible… my job is just too demanding.” And that might be true. In today’s work-place climate, it’s all too easy for work to become a 24/7, all-consuming aspect of our lives. Yet, with very few exceptions, it likely doesn’t need to be this way.  

Healthy Habits To Go The Distance

Healthy Habits To Go The Distance

The moment we get busy, taking care of ourselves is usually the first thing to go as we put caring for others and job responsibilities first. Many of us take our bodies for granted, pushing ourselves to the limit, basically ignoring our physical and emotional needs until the body screams out and demands attention. But, what can we do to build healthy habits to go the distance? Here are three areas to focus on…..

Tune into Your Energy Cycles to Fuel Productivity

Tune into Your Energy Cycles to Fuel Productivity

Your energy levels have a profound impact on your effectiveness. Think about it. Amongst your circle of friends, you can see the differences: there is the friend who is up at the crack of dawn, to the one who always hits a workout after 7pm, to the one wide-awake working on proposals well after midnight. Harnessing your energy cycles isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” conversation. So how do you figure yours out?

What To Do With Unexpected Free Time

What To Do With Unexpected Free Time

What do you do when 30 minutes of free time falls in your lap?  A client with two school aged kids shared this story the other day:

“Pat was grocery shopping, Max was at a playdate, Eliana was taking a nap. I suddenly found myself with a glorious window of time and I should have done something fun, but I had no idea what to do with myself.”

10 Tips to Organize Your Garage

10 Tips to Organize Your Garage

Garages are notorious dumping grounds for things you used to use, thought you might use, or didn’t know where to put. It's an everyday eyesore, the door you slide past while giving friends the grand tour of your home: “Ohhh, that’s just the garage.” The financial implications of the wasted space and money spent on dormant objects, amount to a crying shame.