
S.E.L.F. Care (in 20 minutes or less)

S.E.L.F. Care (in 20 minutes or less)

The Holidays present a time challenge to everyone, especially parents; not only must we continue to provide and arrange, but we have the added responsibility to create holiday magic for our kids. With an increased workload, it can be all too easy to lose sight of ourselves and our own needs. The catch-22, of course, is that it’s when we have the least amount of time for self care that we require it most. To keep yourself operating at peak capacity this holiday season, check out these quick S.E.L.F. care tips to maintain adequate levels of sleep, exercise, love, and fun.

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids to Organize

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids to Organize

There’s only one thing more frustrating than not being able to clear your own clutter—and that is coming home at the end of a stressful day and being confronted with your kid’s mess.  It feels like facing your own failure as a parent. You want to teach them a life skill that you know will make their life easier and lead to more success... But how can you teach something you yourself don’t even know how to do?

Spring Clean Your To-Do List

Spring Clean Your To-Do List

You know that feeling when tasks have been sitting on your to-do list so long, that you deflate just thinking about them? One of the worst effects of procrastination is the energy drain; we spend too much time beating ourselves up for not accomplishing what we need to.   

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids Time Management 

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids Time Management 

Time management is the art of accurately calculating how long things take, how to plan an appropriate amount of time for tasks and find more efficient ways to get them done. Wouldn’t it be great if your kids were good at it? Imagine the drama you can avoid by not having a nightly battle over homework, or a last-minute dinosaur diorama crisis, or a college essay deadline disaster…

Getting Past the Guilt of Me-Time as a Mom

Getting Past the Guilt of Me-Time as a Mom

When Glenn Close won a Golden Globe for her role in “The Wife” earlier this year she said something in her acceptance speech that made me stand up in my own living room and say “Preach!” She talked about her mother, (who’d spent her life supplementing herself to her father), and who, in her eighties, told Close that she felt hadn’t accomplished anything because of it…

Decluttering: No One Lets Go in a Vacuum

Decluttering: No One Lets Go in a Vacuum

New Year’s is a classic time for a fresh start. And the act of decluttering your space and schedule can help you make room for change. It clears space to think, energy to explore, and insight as to where to go from here. Yet, we all know how hard it is to get rid of things…



As we begin the New Year, parents, everywhere, are recommitting to being more present with their children -- whether that means leaving work at the office or spending less time on their phones. Amidst all this resolve is one uncomfortable truth that often goes unsaid: hanging with your kids, no matter how much you love them, can be boring…

A Parenting Book With All The Tips And None Of The Guilt

A Parenting Book With All The Tips And None Of The Guilt

Mention “parenting book” to moms and dads and you’ll see shoulders tighten, and a tinge of worry cross their face  that communicates:  "The last thing I need is a book that will put more on my plate.  Or make me feel worse about my parenting than I already do. Besides, who has time to read?!"

Taming morning chaos

Taming morning chaos

Most families I coach struggle with their morning routines. One shoe is always misplaced. Someone’s always in danger of missing the bus or being late to a meeting….

Three (Better) Ways to Share the Housework

Three (Better) Ways to Share the Housework

It never ceases to astound how the duties of running a household are, by and large, considered a mother’s domain. Now often referred to as “emotional labor,” this burden is getting a lot more attention these days.