
Creating Quality Time... No Matter What's Going On

Creating Quality Time... No Matter What's Going On

Typically speaking, parents put a lot of pressure on themselves to make time for their children. Now, it seems we spend a lot of time strategizing how to get away from them! Early-quarantine offered us a seemingly once-in-a-lifetime chance to spend quality time with our kids. Four months in, the quantity of time has turned the quality of time to mush. We still yearn to have meaningful interactions with our kids, but how do we restore the quality of our connections when we are feeling so burnt out?

The Power of Reading to Kids

The Power of Reading to Kids

As much as we all crave quality time with the kids in our lives, relating to children can be surprisingly tough. What do they like? What are they thinking, feeling, experiencing? Striking up a conversation about these things can be challenging. That’s where books come in. Books can provide a powerful point of entry for relating to kids. They are written and edited by professionals who understand the issues and interests children face at various ages and stages. Therefore, they can be used as a way to spur conversation, explore emotions, discover hobbies and interests, learn new information, or purely for entertainment. Oh, the places you’ll go!

How To Get Your Kids to Talk to You

How To Get Your Kids to Talk to You

Talking is one of the most valuable ways we can relate to another human being. If the eyes are the gateway to the soul, conversation is the gateway to the inner thoughts, insights and experiences of another person. Unfortunately, conversing with children doesn’t always come naturally to us adults. Every age and stage, from pre-verbal through puberty and beyond, comes with its own unique challenges. Yet, it may be comforting to know that, when it comes to talking with children, your goal is really to have them do most of the work. Your job is simply to create a safe space for your child to express whatever they are thinking and feeling. Our helpful age-by-age guide can help you get started.

When Life Throws You Curveballs

When Life Throws You Curveballs

Parents are constantly juggling responsibilities: work, household logistics, personal and professional relationships, loving and raising the kids, all while trying to find time for self-care, exercise, hobbies, and a little shut eye. On a good day, managing this juggling act is a delicate balance. What happens when life throws you a massive curveball?

It's Never Too Late To Hit Reset With Your Kids

It's Never Too Late To Hit Reset With Your Kids

You may have heard that 90% of who we become as adults is the result of what happens in the first seven years of life. It would be a pretty cruel  joke of nature, if the greatest impact we have as parents is when we are least experienced. Parenting is one of the most complex jobs in the world and it doesn’t come with any training or an extension number we can dial for “technical” support. We’re all just learning as we go. We’re bound to make mistakes. Luckily, recent science has found that while the early years do matter very much, the later years do too.

Summer Quality Time with Your Kids

Summer Quality Time with Your Kids

School's out for summer. And you know what that means for kids and parents everywhere: lots of family time, later than usual bed times, and for working parents especially, a mad scramble to cobble together a week-to-week schedule that keeps the kids engaged and safe…



As we begin the New Year, parents, everywhere, are recommitting to being more present with their children -- whether that means leaving work at the office or spending less time on their phones. Amidst all this resolve is one uncomfortable truth that often goes unsaid: hanging with your kids, no matter how much you love them, can be boring…

Finding Your Summer Routine

Finding Your Summer Routine

By early June, kids are excited for the last day of school and parents -- eager as they are for a break from the daily grind -- are thinking, what the heck are we gonna do for the next three months? Every parent lives in fear of hearing their kids say those two little words: “I’m bored.”