TAME THE CHAOS Resource Center

Making sense of our new normal in the time of COVID-19


For companies who want to help their employees and management team adjust to working from home, we are offering two 2-hour seminars, delivered virtually, and tailored to the needs of the company / team


For individuals who don’t have access to our services through their companies, we offer 1:1 time management coaching on an hourly basis

Like many people, you are likely struggling to create order out of the chaos caused by Covid-19. Whether you are feeling the challenge of creating an effective schedule and work plan, setting up a home work space, tackling the organizing projects that will make your house a more peaceful retreat, or practical strategies for self care and nurturing others, we can support you — from the big picture planning to specific decisions, behaviors and guidelines for long term success. With more than 30 years of experience organizing time and space, we can help you make sense of your new normal and maximize your time at home. Our 1:1 coaching is offered via Skype or Facetime in one hour slots.


ARticles & Resources

Based on Julie's book Time To Parent, these are the areas every person needs to stay in balance for themselves, and in caring for their children. Use this page as a rudder to ensure your taking care during this challenging time, and come back often as we continue to update! Click on each photo to explore corresponding articles and resources.


Productivity tips to work-from-home and manage remotely.

Ideas for teaching and role modeling during trying times.

Hacks to organize your home and streamline logistics.

How to give kids structure, time and attention during quarantine.

Strategies to get the sleep and rest you need.

Carving out time for relaxation & joy with at-home activities.

Ways to stay active from the comfort of your own home.

Tactics to nurture your relationships, near & far.