4 Ds

Planning for a Balanced Life in 2017

Planning for a Balanced Life in 2017

My philosophy about time management is that every system must be designed from the inside out—based on the unique way you think, your natural habits and goals.  

The W.A.D.E. Formula for Managing Tasks

The W.A.D.E. Formula for Managing Tasks

When we do studies of how people spend their time, we find, on average… a backlog of 32.4 hours of tasks. That means, on any given day, people feel like they’re drowning in work, like they’re never done, like they can’t ever relax. 

Streamline your workload with the 4 D’s

Streamline your workload with the 4 D’s

There will always be more work to do than time to do it. The goal is to make sure you are doing the most important tasks, so you can leave every day with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.