
The Case For Work-Life Balance

The Case For Work-Life Balance

For many people, breaking away from the gravitational pull of work is extremely difficult. In fact, for the high-achievers among us, it may seem down right counterintuitive. In pursuit of work-place success, our personal lives are usually the first thing we sacrifice. But this puts us in a precarious position — when our work/life balance is off, our performance suffers, along with our happiness and motivation. We end up feeling overworked, exhausted, and depleted. And overtime, we begin to lose sight of the very reason we became so invested in our work in the first place. In order to truly “make it,” mastering your work/life balance is not just a nice-to-have, but a necessity. 

Networking (In Half The Time)

Networking (In Half The Time)

Networking is vital to a successful career in almost any field. Without the time and ability to engage in networking at the same level as their non-parent peers, working parents need to get creative and develop concrete strategies for cultivating professional relationships. If you’re struggling to find the time, try systematizing your approach so that it becomes a seamless part of your routine without stealing precious hours from your day with these easy strategies.

How to Eliminate Working Mom Guilt

How to Eliminate Working Mom Guilt

Ginny loved her work. A vice president of marketing for an ad agency, in many ways her work defined her. Yet, Ginny’s passion for her work made her feel guilty. It took time away from her kids (7, 11 and 13) and often distracted her when they were together. She wondered constantly if she should put her goals and passion on hold, to be a better parent for her kids. This question — to work, or not to work — is emblematic of a struggle many parents face.

To Achieve Your Goals — Focus on Others

To Achieve Your Goals — Focus on Others

Over the holidays, I went to Puerto Rico to visit family for their annual Christmas Party. In the wake of Hurricane Maria, I didn’t know what to expect and arrived prepared for anything — from bringing fun, good energy to help my relatives take a break from the stress, to rolling up my sleeves and helping with the recovery.

Minimize Interruptions While Keeping Everyone Happy

Minimize Interruptions While Keeping Everyone Happy

Interruptions are one of the most challenging aspects of working with others. Like everyone, you want to be reasonably accessible to the people you work with, and a true team player. But an over-the-top need to people-please can be a time trap; if you spend all day in helper-mode it's at the expense of completing more revenue-driven tasks.

Is Organizing Worth The Time?

Lots of people are familiar with the phrase yo-yo dieting, but probably not with “yo-yo organizing”.  It’s a phrase I coined as a professional organizer, observing the tendency to approach organizing haphazardly.   We procrastinate until we can’t take the mess, and then dive in with a huge burst of determination, only to abandon the project halfway through when we run out of steam.

Sadly, being “partially” organized doesn’t last—the unfinished portions create blind spots in your system and doubt in your mind about what goes where.  Before long you backslide into the same state of chaos you began with, feeling demoralized. Just like yo-yo dieting.

While it’s easy to see the benefits of being organized, it can be hard to justify the time it takes to create a system.  It always takes longer than we think.  We experience decision fatigue.  We feel antsy to get back to life.

Yet, the very PROCESS of organizing —the journey of sifting, sorting, deciding and discovering, is highly beneficial.  Organizing is an act of studying, uncovering and curating knowledge–often reacquainting you with vital information that had receded from your memory.  In one famous study on retention, participants only remembered 54% of what they’d read the day before, and only 21% two weeks later.  Organizing is powerful.

Case Study #1

Patrick is a family lawyer who understands that a large part of his job is what he calls psychological warfare.   He knows that when he spends time upfront preparing his cases well—i.e. taking lots of notes, typing them up, printing them out, categorizing them and filing them in a binder with clearly labelled tabs for each aspect of each case, he’s positioned himself for success.  Walking into a courtroom, organized binder tucked under his arm, he’s aware with great quiet confidence that he’s already swayed the conversation.  Especially when he sees the opposing side pull out a sloppy accordian folder crammed with sticky notes and yellowing legal paper.   It’s not just the artifact itself –his smart binder— that creates the power, but the very actions that went into assembling it. He has all the facts top-of-mind and can recall details much more quickly than his disheveled, disorganized opponent.

Case Study #2

Lonnie was a newly appointed senior executive for a Cosmetics company who inherited a closet full of her predecessors files, with no baton-passing.  The company needed her to hit the ground running, so she couldn’t make the time to sort through all the files that’d been left behind.  She worked in chaos for months, piling her own stuff on the desk and surfaces, worried she was missing some critical piece of knowledge.  Finally, she made the time to clear out her predecessor’s files, sifting through every document to make sense of it all.  She unearthed valuable reports and contact info, eliminated obsolete material, organized the information and gained true insight into how the job was done.  For the first time since starting, Lonnie felt energized, confident and on top of her job. She gained a bolt of clarity on the unique contribution she could make. The process unlocked her creativity, confidence and contribution.

As knowledge workers, we are paid for our ideas, our ability to make good judgements, to be thorough and on top of our game. Ending the yo-yo organizing cycles takes time, yes, but the journey itself will yield huge payoffs, every step of the way.